Clark Electric Distribution Corporation (Clark Electric or CEDC) was originally organized by Clark Development Corporation (CDC) and Meralco Industrial Engineering Services Corporation (MIESCOR) under a joint venture agreement (JVA) dated February 19, 1997.
Clark Electric is a registered private distribution utility with a franchise granted by CDC, to own, operate and maintain a power distribution system and to distribute power exclusively within its franchise area, which includes the Clark Special Economic Zone (CSEZ) and the sub-zone.
Clark Electric is 65%-owned by Manila Electric Company (MERALCO), a publicly listed company whose shares are listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange. J Ten Equities, Inc. (JTEN) owns 35% of the common stock of the company. Clark Electric serves the investors and locators in the Clark Freeport Zone which are mainly multinational companies whose products and services cater to the requirements of the foreign market. Other customers include the hotels, restaurants and casinos that serve tourists and local visitors.
Currently, the supply of electricity to the Clark Freeport Zone are received from three (3) delivery points namely: a.) 100 MVA, 230kV-69kV T5 power transformer; b.) Mexico-Clark 69kV Line 1; c.) Mexico-Clark 69kV Line 2. Clark Electric envisions to be one of the leading smart distribution utilities in the country thru advancement in technology that will lay the foundation for creating a platform that allows our workforce to optimize the way we interact with our customers and deploy products and services faster and more convenient.
To be one of the leading smart electric utilities of choice, providing the best value in energy products and services to our customers, and be a major catalyst for the nation’s progress.

We are committed to our stakeholders by providing efficient, adequate and reliable electric service at reasonable cost. We are committed to be at the forefront of all process and technology innovation. We are dedicated to work with passion, integrity, and professionalism for the continual growth of the organization within and beyond the Freeport Zone.
Customer Service


Accountability - Empowerment


Integrity - Transparency
